Does your dog have unlimited overflowing energy?

The perfect solution is...
You should know that....
Basic obedience is the first step, as a complement special toys are suggested that will be taught to develop in the classes, stimulating environment, but sometimes it is not enough and requires the dog to perform some special sport or activity.
They can be Agility classes for beginners, Fresbee for newbies, Dog dancing, Mind games or Sniffing course.

Option 1. Agility
Dogs under a year and a half must be floor obstacles where the dog does not jump. Dogs older than a year and a half can jump and are short sessions with several breaks. So that the dog owner can rehearse at home during and after the course, I will teach you to make homemade obstacles.
This course is for owners who don't know anything about agility and who want to have a nice time Benefits: Physical Stimulation Mental Stimulation They strengthen emotional bond Less destruction Reduces Anxiety, hyperactivity, Depression, Aggression Improve relationships in the pack
Restrictions apply, including:
This course is not suitable for dogs with problems of aggressiveness, irritability, apprehension.

Optión 2 Fresbee
A fun option to stimulate your mind physically and tire your canine without your having to get tired is the fresbee. This course is aimed at the public in grl who does not know how to use the fresbee, that his dog has never played it, and who want a fun, entertaining way to discharge energy to his dog.Restrictions apply, including:
This course is not suitable for dogs with problems of aggressiveness, irritability, apprehension.

Option 3. Dog Dancing
Your dog can dance with you the musical genre that you like, it can be salsa, bachata, reggaeton, contry, waltz, there is no limit other than that of your imagination.
If you don't know how to dance, don't hurry, I'm a dance teacher as well as a dog trainer.
I will teach you and your canine to dance.
Benefits :
It reduces anxiety, aggressiveness, phobias, hyperactivity, destruction, excessive urination, excessive barking, bad behavior, problems with the pack of dogs.
It will also improve your health because it will reduce overweight, chances of having diabetes, hypertension, etc.
Depending on the number of sessions is the amount of dance steps your canine will learn, you can see a sample of my choreography with our Belén bordercollie:
Restrictions apply, including:
This course is not suitable for dogs with problems of aggressiveness, irritability, apprehension.

Option 4 Mental Games
Through various dynamics, games, fun we exercise the intelligence of the canine, so that it will be reflected in more harmonious, peaceful and calm behaviors in your home.
Restrictions apply, including:
This course is not suitable for dogs with problems of aggressiveness, irritability, apprehension.

Option 5. Smell Exercise
Smell exercises reduce anxiety, depression, aggressiveness in dogs, it's fun, it's fun,
they will strengthen their emotional bond, and their behavior and therefore their relationship with their human family will benefit.
Restrictions apply, including:
This course is not suitable for dogs with problems of aggressiveness, irritability, apprehension.